Statistics sequential testing
Statistics sequential testing


You stop the trial to reject or accept the hypothesis, or you continue the trial to the next stage. At each stage, you compare the test statistic with the corresponding boundary values.At each stage, you analyze the available data with a procedure such as the REG procedure, and you compute the test statistic.The data available at each stage include the data collected at the current stage in addition to the data collected at previous stages. At each stage, you collect additional data with the required sample sizes.You also compute the sample size required at each stage for the specified hypothesis test. You compute the boundary values for the trial based on the specifications in Step 1.Specify the statistical details of the design, including the null and alternative hypotheses, a test statistic for the hypothesis test, the Type I and II error probabilities, a stopping criterion, the total number of stages, and the relative information level at each stage.SAS/STAT group sequential trial usually involves six steps:

statistics sequential testing

It also provides critical values and the sample size at each stage of the trial. In addition to the usual specifications, it provides the total number of stages (the number of interim stages plus a final stage) and a stopping criterion to reject, accept, or either reject or accept the null hypothesis at each interim stage. SAS/STAT group sequential design provides detailed specifications for a group sequential trial. Let’s Know About Important SAS/STAT Features You Must Know The protocol specifies the null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, a test statistic, the probability of a Type I error, the probability of a Type II error, the sample size needed to attain a specified power at an alternative reference, and critical values associated with the test statistic. A protocol details the objectives of the trial, the data collection process, and the analysis.

statistics sequential testing

SAS/STAT Group Sequential Design and Analysis What is SAS/STAT Group Sequential Design and Analysis?Ī trial is conducted according to a plan called a protocol.

Statistics sequential testing